In line with the latest government guidelines and actions regarding Covid-19, we have made the decision to close the sanctuary to visitors for the foreseeable future in a bid to protect our supporters and sanctuary volunteers.
We are desperately concerned for the sanctuaries ability to weather this storm as we are only a small independent organisation with limited resources, run by a small team of dedicated volunteers. We rely heavily on our visitors donations and purchases to fund their daily care.
We will continue to work tirelessly to provide for the needs of these magical creatures, but you too can help even from the safety of your homes by making a donation online.
You can adopt a donkey online for just £24 per year, please visit our adopt-a-donkey page.
Buy a lottery ticket via Havant Borough Community lottery (don’t forget to search for Hayling Island Donkey Sanctuary)
Locally you can add a bale of hay to your shopping at Stoke Fruit Farm for just £5 each.
Anything you can do will make a difference and is greatly appreciated.
Watch out for our regular updates on facebook with pictures to make you smile as we all look forward to welcoming visitors again soon.
Be safe!
Hayling Island Donkey Sanctuary Team
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